Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tcl Socket Programming

Example Code - Socket server and client

This is code from a simple echo server and client posted to the Newsgroup by Ray Tripamer ( I've commented it to make it a little clearer why its doing what it is and to serve as something of an example of what you have to do to implement socket servers and clients in Tcl.

Echo Client

This implements a client that opens a server connection, sends messages from stdin, receives server replies and sends them to stdout.

# Read data from a channel (the server socket) and put it to stdout
# this implements receiving and handling (viewing) a server reply 
proc read_sock {sock} {
  set l [gets $sock]
  puts stdout "ServerReply:$l"

# Read a line of text from stdin and send it to the echoserver socket,
# on eof stdin closedown the echoserver client socket connection
# this implements sending a message to the Server.
proc read_stdin {wsock} {
  global  eventLoop
  set l [gets stdin]
  if {[eof stdin]} {
    close $wsock             ;# close the socket client connection
    set eventLoop "done"     ;# terminate the vwait (eventloop)
  } else {
    puts $wsock $l           ;# send the data to the server

# open the connection to the echo server...
set eshost "scoda"
set esport 9999

# this is a synchronous connection: 
# The command does not return until the server responds to the 
#  connection request
set esvrSock [socket $eshost $esport]

#if {[eof $esvrSock]} { # connection closed .. abort }

# Setup monitoring on the socket so that when there is data to be 
# read the proc "read_sock" is called
fileevent $esvrSock readable [list read_sock $esvrSock]

# configure channel modes
# ensure the socket is line buffered so we can get a line of text 
# at a time (Cos thats what the server expects)...
# Depending on your needs you may also want this unbuffered so 
# you don't block in reading a chunk larger than has been fed 
#  into the socket
# i.e fconfigure $esvrSock -blocking off

fconfigure $esvrSock -buffering line

# set up our keyboard read event handler: 
#   Vector stdin data to the socket
fileevent stdin readable [list read_stdin $esvrSock]

# message indicating connection accepted and we're ready to go 
puts "EchoServerClient Connected to echo server"
puts "...what you type should be echoed."

# wait for and handle either socket or stdin events...
vwait eventLoop

puts "Client Finished"
Another option is to do an asynchronous client connection

set esvrSock [socket -async $eshost $esport]

# .... do whatever that we can't connect synchronously... 

# resync with the connection, 
#Socket becomes writable when connection available
fileevent $esvrSock writable { set connect 1 }
vwait connect   
    # will 'block' here till connection up (or eof or error)

fileevent $esvrSock writable {}    ;# remove previous handler

if {[eof $esvrSock]} { # connection closed .. abort }

# set translation, buffering  and/or blocking modes
fconfigure $esvrSock -translation {auto crlf} -buffering line

Echo Server

Server that reflects its client messages back to the source


set svcPort 9999

# Implement the service
# This example just writes the info back to the client...
proc doService {sock msg} {
    # puts $sock "echosrv:$l"
     puts $sock "$l"

# Handles the input from the client and  client shutdown
proc  svcHandler {sock} {
  set l [gets $sock]    ;# get the client packet
  if {[eof $sock]} {    ;# client gone or finished
     close $sock        ;# release the servers client channel
  } else {
    doService $sock $l

# Accept-Connection handler for Server. 
# called When client makes a connection to the server
# Its passed the channel we're to communicate with the client on, 
# The address of the client and the port we're using
# Setup a handler for (incoming) communication on 
# the client channel - send connection Reply and log connection
proc accept {sock addr port} {
  # if {[badConnect $addr]} {
  #     close $sock
  #     return
  # }

  # Setup handler for future communication on client socket
  fileevent $sock readable [list svcHandler $sock]

  # Read client input in lines, disable blocking I/O
  fconfigure $sock -buffering line -blocking 0

  # Send Acceptance string to client
  puts $sock "$addr:$port, You are connected to the echo server."
  puts $sock "It is now [exec date]"

  # log the connection
  puts "Accepted connection from $addr at [exec date]"

# Create a server socket on port $svcPort. 
# Call proc accept when a client attempts a connection.
socket -server accept $svcPort
vwait events    ;# handle events till variable events is set


Heres some background from Jan Wieck ( of the concepts involved with Socket library calls generally and how that maps into Tcl. It may help illuminate some of the above.
Socket below means STREAM socket in AF_INET (Internet domain)
What's a socket? A socket is bidirectional communication channel. Bidirectional, because it allows sending and receiving. A socket is identified from the process point of view by a handle (file descriptor in UNIX). On the network side it's identified by a network host address AND a port number. It's created by the system call socket(2). When socket(2) returns a valid handle (file descriptor), it has already assigned the network address and a dynamically allocated port number that isn't in use by another socket on your local system. This combination of host address and port number is called the socket name.
To connect two sockets, to form something like a bidirectional pipe, a program must call connect(2) with the socket name of the remote socket given in sockaddr. Because it's very difficult, to guess the dynamic port number, there is way to change the 'name' of a socket. The system call to do that is bind(2). Bind has some restrictions. The port number you want must not be in use by any other socket on the local system. Thus, it's guaranteed, that all socket names all over the world are unique and name only one single handle in a process (as long as all the host addresses are unique). Only the superuser can bind to a port number below 1024 as these are allocated as 'system' services and we don't want to allow spoofing of these..
Since normally a server is sitting somewhere around, waiting for a client that wants to connect, it's usual to give the server socket a fixed name. Fixed name in this case means, that the server will create a socket and bind it to the current host address and a fixed port number. The file /etc/services is a list of hopefully all the port numbers for standard services
So let's fire up the server.
  • The server process first calls socket(2) to create a socket with a partly random name.
  • the server calls bind(2) to give the socket a fixed name, that will be used later by the clients.
  • Third, the server tells the kernel, that it is willing to accept incoming connection requests by calling listen(2).
In Tcl, all the three steps are performed if you issue
socket -server {command} port
Port must be the port number the client will use in it's connection request (see below).
What we now have is a server socket. Back to C. This socket becomes readable when a client wants to connect. But the readability in this case doesn't mean that you can read data from it. It's a hack to tell the server process that there's someone knocking at the door. So let's take a look at the client.
A client process too creates a socket. But it doesn't care about the socket name (except for special purposes that deal with security). So it leaves it untouched and directly tries to establish the connection using connect(2). The connect(2) system call needs the remote socket name of the server socket. The server explicitly 'named' it's socket (host+port), so this isn't any problem.
At this moment, the server socket becomes readable. The server now calls accept(2) on it's socket. accept(2) creates a new socket, again with a dynamically assigned port number. This new socket and the socket in the client form the bidirectional pipe. accept(2) returns the handle (file descriptor) of the new socket and fills a buffer with the socket name of the clients socket.
In Tcl, the two steps for the client (calling socket(2) and connect(2)) are performed if you issue
socket host port
What you might miss in Tcl is the accept step. But it's there. Because accept(2) normally blocks until there is at least one client that wants to connect, Tcl enforces that you go into the event driven world. After you created the server socket, Tcl controls the readability of the server socket in it's event loop. If it becomes readable, i.e. a client wants to connect, Tcl does the accept(2) and calls command with all the information given by accept(2). So command will be invoked one time for every client that connects to your server. But this requires, that the server get's back into the event loop. So you have to switch the communication socket in the server (that one given as argument to command) to nonblocking I/O and do everything in fileevent handlers.
It is important, that a server process is completely controlled by the event loop (default for Tk, using vwait in Tcl).

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